Fluidix Intelli-Jet
Found in the Sundance Spas 880 Series models, the Fluidix Intelli-Jet for mid 2003 – mid 2009 spas, utilises Sundance’s patented Fluidix bearing-less technology to move water with no moving parts. Targeting larger muscle groups, the water is delivered in a wide spreading motion ideal for a refined deep tissue massage. No moving parts means nothing to clog up or need cleaning and maintaining.
Being the first jet to be developed exclusively for Sundance Spas by Bowles Fluid Dynamics, the Fluid Intelli Jet oscillates the water flow from side to side in the letter box jet opening. The central fascia plate rotates 90 degrees in order to close the opening to a square shape that then projects a straight force of water.
Which Sundance models feature the Fluidix Intelli-Jet?
This jet was widely used in the Sundance Spas 850 Series and 880 Series hot tub models.
Oher jest in the Fluidix Series include the Fluidix Vortex II Jet amongst others.
Failure to these jets is usually caused by prolonged exposure to acidic and corrosive water which degrades the plastic moulding to the rear of the jet and the fascia to eventually break free. To avoid this when replacing the jet it is recommended to maintain a more consistent balanced pH by testing the water every day and adjusting when necessary.